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Edit (1/2) -- Keyboard reference               
Cursor movement               |  Delete
  Char left      ^S  or  .    |    Under cursor   ^G  or  Del
  Char right     ^D  or  .    |    Word left      ^W  or  ^BS
  Word left      ^A  or  ^.   |    Under cursor   ^G  or  Del
  Word right     ^F  or  ^.   |    Word right     ^T
  Line up        ^E  or  .    |    Line           ^Y
  Line down      ^X  or  .    |    To end of line ^K
  Page up        ^R  or  PgUp |-------------------------------
  Page down      ^C  or  PgDn |  Other
  End of line    End          |    Quote next char  ^Q
  Start of line  Home         |    Quit             Esc or F10
  Start of file  ^Home        |
  End of file    ^End         |
 File Commands
  Help                  F1
  Save                  F2
  Save as...            Shift + F2
  Save and quit         Shift + F10
  Print File            F9
  Toggle Backup         ALT F9
  Insert File           ALT F5

 Block Commands
  Mark Block (Start/End)  F3
  Unmark Block            Shift + F3
  Copy Block              F5
  Move Block              F6
  Delete Block            F8
  Append Block To File    ALT F10

 Search & Replace Commands
  Search and Replace Forwards   F4
  Search and Replace Backwards  Shift F4
  Repeat Search and Replace     ALT F4
  Search for a string Forwards  F7
  Search for a string Backwards Shift F7
  Repeat Search for a String    ALT F7

 Other Commands
  Display in ANSI Format  ALT F1
  Display in ASCII Format ALT F2
  Insert Current Date     ALT F3
  Word Line Count         ALT F6
  Goto Line               ALT F8

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson